Bob's Astro Images

Last touched whenever the last entry was...

Eclipsed Moon over the US Capitol Building

I've been shooting pictures of the sky for over twenty years. Here are a few fun images.

1988/08/21, 07:45 UT, CM=281 Mansfield, Oh, 31-inch f/7 reflector 340x - 500x
Seeing 9 of 10. Warren Rupp Observatory. Great seeing, best I've ever seen. Split in polar cap first seen at 500x, then at 340x. 9-inch mask on and off. No moons.

1988/08/21, 07:45 UT, CM=322 Mansfield, Oh, 31-inch f/7 reflector 340x - 500x
Seeing 9.5 of 10. Warren Rupp Observatory. Best. Split in polar cap easy. Crack in polar cap seen only with a lot of trouble. 9-inch mask (F/24) on and off. No moons.

1988/15/09, 09:40 UT, CM=45 Mansfield, Oh, 31-inch f/7 reflector 225x
Seeing 4 of 10. Wilbur Ave. Seeing not very good, front moving in, high cirrus. Dark region around north pole seen. All not too bad, very similar to view in 31-inch... maybe I'm used to this scope?

1988/08/12, 09:42 UT, CM=73 Columbus, Oh, 4.25-inch f/10 reflector 212x
Seeing 6 out of 10. Wilbur Ave. Seeing 4 out of 10. Poor conditions, other wise nice detail.

1988/08/09, 09:03 UT, CM=98 Mansfield, Oh, 31-inch f/7 reflector 225x
Seeing 7 of 10. Warren Rupp Observatory. With Dick Suiter. North polar cap see. Good, but poor seeing didn't help.

1988/08/07, 09:24 UT, CM=115 Columbus, Oh, 4.25-inch f/10 reflector 212x
Seeing 7 of 10. Wilbur Ave. Markings faint. Bright area (sand storm?) as before.

1988/08/03, 06:35 UT, CM=112 Columbus, Oh, 4.25-inch f/10 reflector 212x
Seeing 6 out of 10. Wilbur Ave. "Nice"

1988/08/02, 09:45 UT, CM=168 Columbus, Oh, 4.25-inch f/10 reflector 212x
Seeing 9 out of 10. Wilbur Ave. Only note is use of 12mm Vernonscope Erfle and 2.4x Dakin barlow

1988/07/29, 09:00 UT, CM=198 Columbus, Oh, 4.25-inch f/10 reflector 212x
Seeing 5 out of 10. Wilbur Ave. Very snappy seeing.

1988/07/28, 09:15 UT, CM=207 Columbus, Oh, 4.25-inch f/10 reflector 212x
Seeing 8 out of 10. From Wilbur Ave apartment in Columbus, Oh (just north of Short North, off High Street). No other comments/notes.


All photos, images and html on this site are copyright, Robert Bunge, 1997-2003. All rights reserved.

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