Bob's Astro Images

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Eclipsed Moon over the US Capitol Building

I've been shooting pictures of the sky for over twenty years. Here are a few fun images.

Plain Jane M-42
I shot this image of the Great Orion Nebula many years ago. Konica 3200 ISO color neg film. 10 minute exposure. Prime foucs through a Edmund 8-inch f/5 Newtonian reflector. Nikon FM2 body. Processed straight C-41 and printed on regular C-41 paper. Scanned from print, no post scanning processing. The reflector was mounted piggy back on the 31-inch f/7 reflector at Warren Rupp Observatory in Mansfield, Ohio.

Eclipsed Moon Over the US Capitol
In November of 2003, Maggie and I drove down to the Capitol building and shot this image of the totally eclipsed Moon over the Capitol building. It was a fun trip, the first photo shoot that I had taken Maggie (age four) on. Nikon FM2, 50mm f/1.4 Nikkor lens at f/2.8. 1/4 sec, Kodacolor 200 film.


All photos, images and html on this site are copyright, Robert Bunge, 1997-2003. All rights reserved.

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